People for Mobility Justice: All Hands On Deck Fundraiser!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Support our Community-Based and Intergenerational Hood Planners Certification Program!
Thank you for your ongoing support of People for Mobility Justice (PMJ), a sponsored project of Community Partners. This summer, we are launching our new Hood Planners Certification Program, and we are calling for All Hands On Deck to help us raise funds!
The Deck: With support from the California Bicycle Coalition, we created a deck of mobility justice playing cards (#mobilityjusticedeck), a popular education tool that shares important milestones for mobility (in)justice from the 1840s to the present. The deck was developed by a talented team of researchers, artists, graphic designers, and writers, including Chynna Monforte, Hector Benavides, Grace Lynne, and PMJ staff. With ongoing expansion packs, the deck will allow us to continue cataloging the history of the mobility justice movement taking shape today.
A donation of $200 gets you the limited first edition of the #mobilityjusticedeck
The Certification Program: Too often, transportation agencies turn to planning consultants when trying to address equity concerns. PMJ is clear that community members are the real experts, their depth of knowledge and lived experiences should be valued and paid fairly, and they should be the ones consulted to share their vision for what lasting, community-oriented, and inclusive solutions look like. That’s why we are creating the Hood Planners Certification Program, a combination online and in-person course geared towards community-based activists. The curriculum will be delivered through three modules over six weeks. As we developed the curriculum, we decided to give access to professionals and government staff who want to sharpen their ability to advance intergenerational mobility justice in community plans and public transportation decisions.
A donation of $500 gets you the limited first edition of the #mobilityjusticedeck + access to one Hood Planners module.
A donation of $800 gets you the limited first edition of the #mobilityjusticedeck + access to two Hood Planners modules.
A donation of $1200 gets you the limited first edition of the #mobilityjusticedeck + access to all Hood Planners modules + consultation with the PMJ team.
Help us meet our fundraising goal of $30,000 to develop the curriculum and offer stipends to 30 youth and elders to become certified Hood Planners by 2020!
Your tax-deductible contributions will go directly toward developing a radical educational curriculum that uplifts youth and elders to become advocates for their own communities, have their community expertise valued, and get certified in the process.
Click here to read more information on our #HoodPlanners Program.